Improve the Appearance of your Smile with Dental Implant Restorations

Dental implant restoration is the process of attaching artificial teeth to existing dental implants. This can be done for various reasons, including improving the appearance of your smile or replacing missing teeth. Dr. Matthew Wallengren of Baltimore, Maryland, is pleased to offer dental implant restoration for both new and current patients.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are titanium roots, that are replaced with in the jawbone to resemble a tooth or group of teeth. A screw is inserted through the gums and into the jawbone. A porcelain crown is then attached to the screw to become the new tooth or teeth. They can be used to support dental prosthesis including crowns, dentures, and bridges. Today’s treatments are so natural looking, no one will know you had surgery. There’s approximately a 95% success rate for all implants. With modern advances in dentistry, some implants can be restored immediately with life like all porcelain crowns. For more details ask your dentist.

What is involved with getting dental implants?

The first step in the dental implant restoration process is a consultation with your dentist. During this consultation, your dentist will assess your mouth and decide if you are a good candidate for dental implants. If you are not a good candidate, there are other options available that can still give you a beautiful smile.

If you are a good candidate for quality dental implants, the next step is to have the implants placed in your jawbone. Dr. Wallengren will refer you to a professional in the area who can plan, place, and monitor the healing process of the dental implant. This process is typically done under local anesthesia, so you will not feel any pain during the procedure. Once the implant is firmly in place and ready for restoration, you return to Dr. Wallengren’s office to discuss the restoration of the implant itself.

What methods of restoration are available for dental implants?

There are a few different ways in which dental implants may be restored. Dr. Wallengren may recommend the placement of:

  • Dental crowns 
  • Dental bridges 
  • Full dentures

Dental crowns are used for single tooth replacement, while dental bridges may be used when several teeth are involved. A full denture that snaps into several implants may be recommended for patients who have lost all their teeth in an arch.

How do I learn more about dental implant restoration?

If you are seeking tooth restoration or replacement, the team at Matthew Wallengren, DDS is happy to answer your questions and to help you with the process. You may contact the office at (410) 431-1868 to request an appointment.